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COVID-19: resource guide for all agricultural businesses

COVID-19 hit the agriculture sector hard, adding new challenges onto an already-strained situation. Though many government assistance measures have been implemented, it can still be difficult to find your bearings.

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15 October 2020

COVID-19 hit the agriculture sector hard, adding new challenges onto an already-strained situation Though many government assistance measures have been implemented, it can still be difficult to find your bearings. To help point the way, the SCF CPAs have developed a set of reference tools to shed light on available programs. Users can determine which ones are the best fit, when the deadlines are, and what steps they need to follow to be eligible. The SCFs continue to follow the situation closely and will update these resources regularly as the pandemic develops. Need help applying?

Still unsure about what you qualify for?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Our advisors are here to help you navigate the crisis. Click here to read the guide : https://www.upa.qc.ca/en/scf-conseils-mesures-daides-covid-19/

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